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Pomona Jr/Sr High School offers a robust curricular music program with opportunities for all levels in instrumental and vocal disciplines.

Instrumental Music

Students in all grades at Pomona may pursue their passions in instrumental music through two avenues: band and orchestra. A variety of classes are offered for any level, from beginner to advanced.

Co-curricular options, such as the Pomona Pride Band, offer students a way to express their school spirit through music. 

Co-Curricular Instrumental Music

Vocal Music

There are four choral ensembles offered during the school day at Pomona, including middle school choir, concert choir, chorale and Midnight Vocal Ensemble. We also have two ensembles, The Accidentals and Vocalise, that are offered as co-curricular ensembles outside the school day.

Co-Curricular Vocal Music

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Music in Jeffco

Music education rooted in the Colorado Academic Standards is an integral part of Jeffco's core curriculum and provides students with unique experiences and skills essential for success in school and beyond. Students are provided instruction in all aspects of music: singing, playing, moving, reading, listening, analyzing, creating and performing.