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High School Credit for Middle School Students

Middle school students can take advanced Mathematics and World Languages coursework. These accelerated and challenging courses follow the same Colorado Academic Standards and curriculum as the courses offered at the high school level.

Successful completion of any eligible course will award the middle school student with high school credit. The course name and letter grade will appear on the student’s high school transcript, but the grade will not be calculated into the student’s high school Grade Point Average (GPA).

Which Courses Are Eligible?

  • Mathematics: Algebra 1, Geometry or higher. 
    • All students graduating from Jeffco Public High Schools must complete 3 years of Mathematics and demonstrate readiness. For more information, visit the Jeffco Graduation Requirements webpage.
  • World Languages: Any course Level 1 or above, or a 101/102 combination.

The above courses are exclusive of summer school courses as stated in Board policy IKF.

How To Remove the Credit From a Transcript

If a student earned credit for a course in middle school but does not want the credit, or for the course to appear on their transcript, they need to complete an opt-out form. Contact WHOM to complete this process.

If a student has removed a course through the opt-out process and then decides later that they want the credit to appear on their transcript, they should complete the appeals process. This must be done by the last day of their junior year.

NCAA Eligibility for Athletes

Students who plan to enroll in college as freshmen and wish to participate in collegiate athletics must be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students should register on the NCAA Eligibility Centerbefore the end of their junior year. 

It is the students’ and parents’ responsibility to verify their eligibility for NCAA participation and to register each year for NCAA-approved core courses. Students should meet with their counselor before the end of their sophomore year to ensure their course plan meets eligibility requirements.