Pomona Jr/Sr High School helps students chart their course toward a bright postsecondary future.
Career & College
Pomona Jr/Sr High School staff can help students plan their path toward college and career.
Course Registration
View information on course offerings, course selection and registration at Pomona Jr/Sr High School.
Graduation Requirements
Pomona Jr/Sr High School students must meet credit and workforce readiness requirements to graduate.
Individualized Career & Academic Plan (ICAP)
ICAPs help guide Pomona Jr/Sr High School students and families in their exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities.
Mental Health Supports
Pomona Jr/Sr High School promotes a safe, positive learning environment by supporting mental health.
Student Records & Transcripts
Jeffco students and families can access official records and transcripts.
Transitioning from Elementary School
Resources are available for Pomona Jr/Sr High School students and families as they transition from elementary school.
High School Credit for Middle School Students
Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit by completing certain courses in middle school.
Preparing for High School
Resources are available for Pomona Jr/Sr High School students and families as they prepare for high school.
Transitioning from Middle School
Resources are available for Pomona Jr/Sr High School students and families as they transition from middle school.
Seal of Biliteracy
Pomona Jr/Sr High School students can earn the Jeffco Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating proficiency in at least one world language in addition to English by graduation.