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Meet the Principal

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Principal Patrick Rock

Principal Mr. Patrick Rock enters his third school year as the Pomona principal in 2024-25. Mr. Rock and his administrative team have led the way in transitioning Pomona to a junior-senior high school for the 2024-25 school year. 

Mr. Rock is proud of the work his team and the community have collaborated on to make this a smooth transition and build on the Pomona area’s great legacy. He is excited to welcome new students at all of the different grade levels as Pomona embarks on this journey together as a community.

Pomona Administration

The administrative team at Pomona serves many roles. As a junior-senior high school, all administrators support the whole school from grades 6 through 12.

The assistant principals serve as liaisons to certain departments and grade levels. The student and family support team serves all students in all grades but also focuses on certain grade levels so that students, parents and families can build a strong positive relationship to ensure an exceptional student experience while at Pomona.